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how can I help?

You can sponsor a child monthly, sponsor the schools or give a one time donation.

Child sponsorship: 40 USD per month

Monthly school sponsorship at your choice

A one time donation

For American sponsors: Harvest schools Kenya are working with Children´s Aid USA which is a charitable organization based in Florida, so American sponsors will get a tax benefit for their sponsorship.

What is the meaning and benefit of sponsoring a child?

When you sponsor a child, you change the child´s life. You give your sponsored child the opportunity to go to a school which they may not have had before. It gives them self-esteem, a future to aim for and a place in society. When you support a child, you really help so many others. You help the whole family by relieving the burden and worries of education. In addition, you also help other children in the schools who do not have a sponsor. Your support goes into running the whole school your child attends. It pays the salaries of teachers and staff, buys food, pays for exams, and buys books. There is no discrimination between the children in the schools and therefore unsupported children also benefit from your strength.

In addition, the support you give may do something for you. It says in a good place that it is happier to give than to receive. We at Harvest schools feel it and hope that you rejoice in your heart over the gift of being able to help a child in need.

Supporting a younger child 

It is a wonderful thing to be able to follow your child as he or she grows up. We will be sending you letters about twice per year and photos once per year. If your child is very young you will receive simple child drawings at first. As your child grows up you will start getting simple letters and as your child grows more you will see it in their writing.

supporting a teenager

It is very rewarding to support a teenager to go to school. Your teenager will be able to write to you letters in English, which you will be getting twice per year and including a photo once per year.

general support 

There is so much that goes into running a school. General support goes towards school materials, food, un-sponsored students and so much more.